Selasa, 02 Juni 2015



                History stand germany is in the first century before masehi at first with ethogenesis from tribes german. history stand germany new modern in the 16th century because a many wish reformation about don’t satisfied khatolik chuich.
Reformation start in the year  1517,and in the year 1862 king german to change by otto von Bismarck because king german to suffer stroke.
And capital germany is berlia.
                In the germany there are many popular tourist attractions among them:
  1.   Brandenburg gate :Built since the 18th century gate Brandenburg is gate city the only one this one there still in the berlia.

    2.  Cologne cathedral

Build since in the year the place in cathedral gothic large in the german nd to become symbol the most famous cologne since for centuries and to become place a tour popular in the german.

Besides is there is place  a tour other,that is:

b.       Frauenkirche

c.       Holstentor

According to me Germany is very amazing, in the Germany has many popular romantic places, Germany is very nice,because many historical buildings. and it’s very beautiful church.



Netherlands was estabilished in the year 1581 and Netherlands already to become monarchy constitusional since year 1815 and demokrasi parlementer since year 1848.
Capital Netherlands is Amsterdam, while the central government and the  position of it’s monarchy located at “DEN HAAG”
NETHERLANDS know as “Holland”.
                In the Netherlands there are many popular tourist attractions,among them:
  1.        Canals Amsterdam : Built since the 17th century,during the golden age Netherlands.

2. Keukenhof gardens : 
Keukenhuf gardens it is the largest flower gardens,there are some kind flower thet is,flower tulip,gondok,bakung,and flower other spring.

Besides it there is place a tour other,that is:
a.       village kinderdijk

b.      city Maastricht

According to me Netherlands is very amazing because many historical building and visited by many foreign tourist. And netherland is famous for its cheese because the Netherlands which produces original cheese

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