Selasa, 02 Juni 2015




France established in the year 486 masehi,France is state unitary republic,semi-presidential to have the 18th and 19th century france make one of the largest colonial empire when it.france is developed countries with the sixth largest economies(PBD NOMINAL) or to eight (PPP) the world’s largest france is the most visited country in the world,around 82 milion foreign tourist a come every year.And the capital france is PARIS.

In the france there are many popular tourist attractions,among them:

  1. Eiffel tower:
Eiffel tower or la tour Eiffel is tower to become icon paris city. Tower to be located in the garden champ de mars,paris,france. And Eiffel tower to become landmark the most famous in the world to become the first destination tourist. 

2. Museum louvre

Museum louvre or muse du louvrees former the palace france and  now to become the museum large in the world and all at once museum the most famous in the paris.Around 8 milion people a come every  year and there 380 thousand show objek and more 35 thousand.

 3. Bridge padlock of love paris
Wooww…!!!! Obvious paris as city the most romantic in the world because there bridge padlock of love paris  To be located to between two landmark paris and place the most famous and very beautiful in the paris the many partner dear associate a symbol of their love bond  in the bridge.

Besides is there is place a tour other that is:

3.    Katedral notre dame paris

4.     Montmarte


      According to me france is  amazing because many historical building and paris is famous as the romantic city because there is padlock of love, in the france around 82 milion foreign tourist come every year. In the France famous for advanced automotive technology.



Italy became a nation in 1861 when the nation-state (regional states) in the region of Italy
now, along with Sardinia and Sicily, were united under King Victor Emmanuel II. era
Parliamentary government ended early 1920s when Benito Mussolini build dictatorship
fascist. Alliance with Nazi Germany has brought the defeat of Italy in World War II. republic
Democracy replaced the monarchy in 1946 and since then the Italian economy began to rise.italy capital is roma,
Roma didirikan padatahun 753 SM. National Day france June 2, 1946. Italy is a country that is known as the birthplace of pizza and pasta.

In the italy there are many popular tourist attractions,among them:
1.       Coleseum,roma
colosseo or colosseeum is residual amfitear become one of the city landmarks roma , This building is located in Rome, Italy 

2.       Castel san’t angelo,roma
castel sant'angelo is an ancient castle became one of the historical buildings in the city roma,italia. This place often visited tourists. 

Besides is there is place a tour other that is:

1.  Trevi fountain,roma 

2. Piazza dei miracoli and tower pisa

According to me Italy is  amazing because  many historical building and visited by many foreign tourist . Italy is famous as the place of birth pizza and spaghetti , church is also very beautiful

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