Selasa, 02 Juni 2015



In the 9-6 century BC Archaic period, Greece experienced growth in the field of writing, philosophy, science, art, economics, politics, and traditional the Olympics started in this period (776 BC) .In the Archaic period, many city states (policyholders) to apply the new system of government different from the monarchy system of government. The new system included the aristocracy, tyranny, and oligarki. there two countries rapidly growing city in the Archaic period, namely Athens and Sparta.But here I will discuss the city of Athens and Santorini.
Athens or Athens is the capital of the Greek state. This city of around 700,000 inhabitants but when calculated with its metropolitan area, the population is about 3.5 million. Athena is also the center of economic, cultural, and political. in the 4th century and 5th Athens is often referred to as the origin of western civilization because of a variety of cultural achievement and make it rich in a variety of buildings, monuments, and works of ancient art.
In Athens there are a variety of well-known places, namely:
1.      The Athens Olympic Stadium.
Athens Olympic Stadium is the first stadium used in the sports arena or so-called Olympics. This sports event is followed by all countries in the world. but now no longer used because its buildings are old or ancient.

     2. Athena parliament building
This building is a working state officials. In January 2010, a bomb exploded in the front yard of this building right in George Papandrou 100 days of government


3. Partenon
Parthenon is a Greek temple built for the goddess Athena, protector of Athens in the 5th century BC. Parthenon is regarded as a symbol of Ancient Greece and of Athenian democracy, this place is worth visiting foreign tourists.

Athena is the goddess protector of the city has so many beautiful places and artistic.


Santorini is a volcanic island round group in the Aegean Sea, located 200 km from mainland Greece. The island is a group of islands Cyclades.Pada 1500 BC, a volcanic eruption that inundated the central part of Santorini and some earthquakes that occurred later led to the destruction of most of the island .. In the 6th century BC and 7, There never had trade relations and commercial with most of the island and the city that is in Yunani.santorini Renowned as one of the most romantic and beautiful places in the world.
Santorini is perfect for couples looking for a romantic and luxurious. It's not just romantic and relaxing, it even Greek island life, with great nightlife and lots to see.

In santorini there are various famous places are:

1. Fira
The main town of the island was built on a dramatic cliff, overlooking the lagoon

      2. Oia
      This place is a very beautiful place, the building is painted white and has an atmosphere with the main         attraction and it did have a view of the lagoon (caldera) as Fira.

According to me Athens and santorini is amazing because of the unique santorini and all the building a blue  and white so it looks clean. While Athens many historical buildings such as olimpic stadium Athens the famous  in the world Athena is the goddess protector of the city has so many beautiful places and artistic.


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