Selasa, 02 Juni 2015



Republic austria republic borders with Germany and the germany and ceko in the north,slowakia and hongaria in the east,Slovenia and Italy in the south,and swiss and kiechtenstein in the west.and the capital Austria is wina or Vienna. Austria the famouswith classical music. In the year 1955 austria to become a state independent republic. Austria is a state with system democracy representative parliamentary to consist of nine country federal part. And to become only one of  two country Europe to  declaration a neutrality.

            In the year 1955 austria the associated with member PBB and in the 1995 austria the associated with UNI EUROPEAN.And the coin Austria is a EURO.

            In the Austria there many place a tour the famous tourist attractions,among them:

  1. St  anton Arlberg

St anton Arlberg is ski resort area  visited by many foreign tourist to ski this place situated in tyrol

2.      Melk abbey
one of the monasteries The most famous in the world and is located on a high cliff

besides it there are many places that many tourist , among others:
2. hofburg imperial palace
3. hohensalzburg
4. innsburck altstadt
According to me austria is amazing,because the presidential  palace a large and high . Austria is famous as the capital of  ski sport in Europe and famous for  its classical music.

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